Welcome to eddicted.org.
We are a community focused on the discussion of the electronic devices that are ubiquitous worldwide.

Our devices are extentions of ourselves. They are how we communicate with each other, how we play games and read the newspaper. They play our music and read aloud to us. They are our clocks and cameras and tape recorders. They are our maps and guides, our flashlights, our diaries, our calendars, our almanacs, our astrologers and astronomers. They are our dictionaries, our books and magazines. They are our sketchbooks, our shopping carts and our translators. They give us Alternate and Virtual reality and 360 video. They are our measuring tape and levels, our calculators and TVs.

The GIFs on eddicted (created by Jonathon Stearns) are a reminder that there was life before devices. Seeing these well-known images in both their original and modernized forms is a way of remembering that there was a before time, when we went through our days without devices, without the internet, capturing our experiences in our memory vs. uploading them to social media.

There is no turning back, and the idea is not to say things were better before. There are thousands of ways devices have improved lives, saves lives. But it is worthy of discussion, to recall the more human side of humanity. When we relied on ourselves, when we had to use our brains to figure things out, to speak to each other directly and in person.

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